
sfic doesn't have a nice gui - but here are some examples of use:


Recursively add the current directory to the foo.tdb database:

$sfic --add ~/foo.tdb -v -R *
Adding: Documents
Adding: Documents/index.html
Adding: Documents/sfic.1
Adding: Documents/sfic.1.bak
Adding: Documents/sfic.css
Adding: Project
Adding: Project/config.h
Adding: Project/sfic.c
Adding: Project/sfic.h
Adding: Project/tdb.h
Adding: Project/x.c


List the contents of foo.tdb, listing only permissions and size:

$sfic --list ~/foo.tdb -v -m "ps"
TYPE    PERM    SIZE            NAME
d       0755         160        Documents
f       0644        3043        Documents/index.html
f       0644        3857        Documents/sfic.1
f       0644        3459        Documents/sfic.1.bak
f       0644        2326        Documents/sfic.css
d       0755         168        Project
f       0644        2306        Project/config.h
f       0644       23891        Project/sfic.c
f       0644        2707        Project/sfic.h
f       0644        4675        Project/tdb.h
f       0644         404        Project/x.c


Create a new database from the current filesystem, then compare against foo.tdb:

$sfic --add ~/now.tdb -R *
$sfic --old ~/foo.tdb --new ~/now.tdb
Updated Documents
Updated Documents/index.html
Deleted Documents/sfic.1.bak
Updated Project
Deleted Project/tdb.h
Deleted Project/x.c
Added   Project/y.c


Same as above, but ignore modification/size differences on directories, and list what changed with the files:

$sfic --old ~/foo.tdb --new ~/now.tdb -t -v
     s m h           Documents/index.html
     <DELETED<<      Documents/sfic.1.bak
     <DELETED<<      Project/tdb.h
     <DELETED<<      Project/x.c
     >ADDED>>>>      Project/y.c


Update foo.tdb to reflect the current state of the Projects directory. The Documents directory entries are not modified. Compare against existing now.tdb:

$sfic --delete ~/foo.tdb -R Project
Removing: Project/tdb.h
Removing: Project/sfic.h
Removing: Project/config.h
Removing: Project/x.c
Removing: Project/sfic.c
Removing: Project
$sfic --add ~/foo.tdb -R Project
$sfic --old ~/foo.tdb --new ~/now.tdb -t -v
     s m h           Documents/index.html
     <DELETED<<      Documents/sfic.1.bak